Saturday, December 28, 2013

Remove Windows Premium Shield Virus, Windows Premium Shield Virus Removal

Characters of Windows Premium Shield Virus

Windows Premium Shield has arouse computer experts’ suspicion to be virus upon its emergence as it shares the same UI with other scarewares present recently, such as Windows Efficiency Console, Windows Advanced Security Center, Windows Protection Maintenance and Windows Activity Booster.
Windows Premium Shield

It has been finally identified to be virus due to some damages arise subsequently:

  • Computer gets stuck or frozen to some point.
  • CPU is highly consumed when there’s few program running in the background.
  • More strange items are found in system partition.
  • Detected items by Windows Premium Shield are not technically removed; instead payment is always required.
  • Some build-in services are either stopped or disabled to some extent, especially security service.
  • Search redirecting scenario happens occasionally to cause a lagging browser.
Specifically speaking, Windows Premium Shield virus is a Trojan-supported Rogueware to filch the UI of genuine Windows anti-virus program in an attempt to trap PC users into purchasing its full/licensed version without doing the cleansing work. In most cases, Windows Premium Shield virus launches automatic scan on a target machine upon its installation, regardless the fact if it is mounted unwittingly or willingly, to list down a long string of problems, including virus infection and error issues. Not a few PC users are just so scared that rush to complete the purchase without happy ending. If unfortunately you fell into the trap and become overwhelmed by incidental issues, get professional help from Online Support or follow the steps in the last section to help yourself only if a certain level of computer knowledge is available.
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Dissemination Routine

Windows Premium Shield virus can be easily encountered because of carelessness when surfing online. Being geared by Trojan, Windows Premium Shield virus manages to detect vulnerability on a computer, especially on web in short order. Besides the vulnerability, the below listed ways are commonly used by fake anti-virus programs like Windows Premium Shield:
  • Piggybacking on third-party programs, freeware and shareware particularly.
  • Promoted by spam adware.
  • Collaborating with other types of virus, especially search redirect virus.

Recommended Removal

It is wise to remove Windows Premium Shield virus immediately and it is wiser to remove it with manual method to withhold incidental issues early. With Trojan supporting its operation from automatic scanning to redirecting to purchase site, Windows Premium Shield virus is capable of making random modification in Database to its satisfaction without being detected and thus bringing backdoor/vulnerability into being, allowing additional affections.
In the middle of its infiltration, build-in secure defense, especially security utility, is usually disabled to some extent. Elusiveness, contributed by Trojan’s known capability of binding critical vicious part onto system items or the identical system items generated by it in other parts of a target machine, further assists in covering up the trace of Windows Premium Shield virus.
In such case, manual method is recommended to be involved in removing Windows Premium Shield virus to lead to an efficient and thorough removal, eradicating any possibility of its re-image unless good PC practice is poorly observed. Follow the steps Trawled through by Research Lab and rescue the infected computer as soon as possible. On the occurrence of confusion on the following steps, you are welcome to get answers and on-demand help by clicking on the live chat button below.
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Instruction to Remove Windows Premium Shield Virus from Windows


As a program, Windows Premium Shield virus will have its own running process in the background which is what we are going to exterminate for a smooth flow of removal.
Windows 8
  • Hold Win key and R key together to bring up a text
  • Type ‘Task’ and hit Enter key to proceed.
  • Navigate to its ‘Process’ tab for the selection of related items.
  • Press ‘End’ to block Windows Premium Shield virus from automatically running at each Windows start.

  • Enable Ctrl+Alt+Delete key combination to bring up Task Manager window.
  • Hit on ‘Process’ tab for the selection of related items.
  • Press ‘End Process’ to block Windows Premium Shield virus from automatically running at each Windows start.


Access Control Panel and remove Windows Premium Shield virus from there.
Windows 8
  • Right click on “Unpin” button at the bottom-right corner of the Start Screen.control panel
  • Click once on ‘Control Panel’ option in the pop-up sidebar.
  • Access “Programs and Features” and remove Windows Premium Shield virus.

  • Spread Start menu at the left corner of screen.
  • Choose ‘Control Panel’ to select ‘Uninstall Programs’ option.uninstall a program
  • Remove Windows Premium Shield virus from Control Panel.


Show hidden files to remove any generated vicious items hidden by Windows Premium Shield virus in C disk where the virus installs itself by default.
Windows 8
  • Access Windows Explorer application from Start explorer
  • Hit View tab and tick ‘File name extensions’ coupled with ‘Hidden items’ options.win8 hidden file
  • Press ‘OK’ button to proceed.
  • Navigate into C:\Windows and its contained folder “System32″, “Roaming” to remove any related items named after Windows Premium Shield.
  • Finally remove the folder including its sub-folder, if any, altogether (the following directories are not universally applicable to all victims due to different version of OS):

  • Access ‘Folder Options’ from ‘Control Panel’.folder options1
  • Hit View tab to tick ‘Show hidden files and folders and non-tick Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)’.
  • Press ‘OK’ button to proceed.
  • Navigate into C:\Windows and its contained folder “System32″, “Roaming” to remove any related items named after Windows Premium Shield.
  • Finally remove the folder including its sub-folder, if any, altogether (the following directories are not universally applicable to all victims due to different version of OS):


Access Database to make the follow rectifications so as to remove any indication of Windows Premium Shield virus from the computer.
Windows 8
  • Hover the mouse any border of screen to any direction and enable charms bar.
  • Type ‘regedit’/‘regedit.exe’ to bring up Database window by hitting Enter key.
  • Access the following entries respectively to remove Windows Premium Shield’s value under the listed registries:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\MpCmdRun.exe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\MpUXSrv.exe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\MSASCui.exe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\msconfig.exe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\msmpeng.exe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\msseces.exe

Windows 7/XP/Vista
  • Press Win key and R key together to type ‘regedit’ (without quotation) in the text box.
  • Hit Enter key will bring up its window.registry enditor2
  • Navigate to the following entries respectively to remove Windows Premium Shield’s value under the listed registries:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\MpCmdRun.exe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\MpUXSrv.exe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\MSASCui.exe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\msconfig.exe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\msmpeng.exe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\msseces.exe

Windows Premium Shield is a rogueware that pretends to be a genuine anti-virus program by filching the UI of the genuine one. Instead of protecting target machine as it shows up to be, Windows Premium Shield virus gives away a list of threats and asks for purchase. Besides, additional issues are coming forward from nowhere. In some cases, Windows Premium Shield are not installed willingly but installed by force, which can be the consequence of carelessness online. To remove Windows Premium Shield virus for whatever reasons, it is always advisable to employ manual method in its removal. The above instruction is exclusively applicable to the removal of Windows Premium Shield virus, not to all incidental issues. Should there be other problems arising, professional help with all-out effort from Online Support will be always offered in time if you contact us by clicking on the live chat button below.
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